Greetings Tech Artists everywhere!
This wa0s a big week with lots going on.
Let's start with the two broadcasts that went off today. Tech Art Talk Live!, at 12:30, EST, Chris started his Python 3.7 crash course with an introduction in to Houdinni/Python basics. Houdini was was up to it's old tricks but Chris weathered through and delivered a clear presentation. During Houdini Secrets Live!, 3:00 pm EST, Chris, without a mask, showed how to create a 200 peice explosion inside UE4 using Houdini VAT - Rigid Bodies. He also introduced a new demonstrational character: Sluggo!
Progress continues to make progress on Real-Time Visual Effetcs For The Technical Artist. Today Chris finished the first draft of the last technical chapter in the book, Particles. He will spend the next week proof-reading this document before return towards the start with Chapter2: The Rules of Visual Effects. Yolanda Patino had an opportunity to look over the image list for Chapter 7 and has started working. Emma Condie just agreed to help with the images for Chapter 6: Simulations. The contributions from Yolanda and Emma will provide a significant boost towards compleating the text! Thank you Yolanda and Emma!
Work Continues on Procedural Gems as well. The interview with Kevin Mack wrapped up and the interview with Ivan DeWolf has just begun. The transcribing is dog -slow. Progress is being made and we are still pushing forward!
Thank you all who signed up for the TechArtEDU opt-in page. We really appreciate your support and strive to keep improving our quality and delivering the finest in Technical Art related content. Without you we are nothing. Our fans rock!